3 minutes

How Reveal Helped The Partnerships Team at Oyster Achieve Exponential Growth

“Reveal is one of the tabs that I will always have open.”
Bruno Cunha
Partnerships Lead

Being the first partnerships hire at Oyster—a global employment platform that enables companies to employ people anywhere in the world—Bruno was tasked with building their partnership ecosystem from the ground up. 

Having been introduced to Reveal by a partner, the platform was adopted quite early into Bruno’s workflow at Oyster. Bruno started with creating a hit list of companies that he wanted to partner with and used Reveal to see the overlap of common customers and prospects. 

The growing team at Oyster now leverages Reveal to increase the value of their partnerships.
“We now have an amazing team of partner managers using Reveal everyday, working with customers and partners to identify common customers for joint propositions. Using the account mapping data from Reveal and seeing the overlap of customers right away has been time-saving & helpful for me and the team.” 

Driving Alignment With The Sales Teams

Sales teams need data, and not the kind that’s present on spreadsheets, they need all their data to be visible in one place—clear, concise and actionable. One of the biggest wins that Bruno has achieved during his time at Oyster is demonstrating the value of partnerships to his sales teams.

Oyster uses Reveal data to provide the sales team with a clear direction. According to Bruno, “It’s been very helpful to the sales teams to harness this actionable data, realize the power that we have in contact with customers, and get a holistic view of the ecosystem and our customer base.” 

Better Co-Marketing and Co-selling Opportunities

Using the data sourced from Reveal, Oyster can identify better and more effective co-marketing and co-selling opportunities with their partners. 

Account Mapping has helped Oyster seek out companies that they share a big overlap with, which enables them to direct their focus to the partnerships that really matter. Account Mapping has been such an important variable for Oyster that they’ve started incorporating Partner Generated Pipeline into their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Using Reveal for co-marketing opportunities has helped the partner managers at Oyster to gain insights into their partner’s ICP, their mission, their vision and their goals for their marketing teams

“Where do we go for co-marketing? Right away, Reveal. We can identify segments that we both are going after and instantaneously, that helps bring in a ton of ideas.” 

For Bruno, Reveal has brought an unquantifiable amount of value to his organization. 

“Reveal is now an important part of our onboarding process. One of the first things new partner managers do to explore new co-marketing opportunities is to hop on the platform and discover new people to do case studies with and identify the right invitees for events.” 

Bruno sees Reveal as being a very integral part of his team’s workflow to bring in new co-selling opportunities. With Reveal, they are able to identify companies with solutions that compliment their product and that can be integrated seamlessly into their own solution. 

Accelerating The Time to Value 

In Bruno’s words, he has seen the best usage of Reveal’s Account Mapping when it comes to improving partner collaboration. Reveal data has made it easier for Oyster to kick start conversations with their existing and prospective partners. By comparing each other’s CRM data, both parties can obtain a very clear idea of where they want to go in the future. Reveal brings them together and gives them novel and innovative ways to work together

Reveal has also accelerated the time to value for Oyster’s rapidly expanding partnerships team. Before they adopted Reveal, Oyster would typically spend three to four months before their employees were fully onboarded. Currently, the scenario is much different—according to Bruno, Reveal has helped Oyster shave an entire month off of their onboarding process. 

“All of our new employees receive hands-on training with Reveal. The platform helps them to be cognizant of the strategy that we’ll adopt for a new partnership venture and that alone helps provide a lot more clarity about our goals and vision to our new hires.”

Oyster is an HR Tech platform that enables companies to employ people anywhere in the world.
Main Challenges
Creating co-marketing and co-selling opportunities, and demonstrating value to the Sales teams.
Key Results
Using Reveal’s account mapping feature, Oyster was able to identify companies that they shared an overlap with to create better co-marketing and co-selling opportunities and show quantifiable value to their Sales teams.
Company Size
Human Resources
Use cases
Exciting news! Crossbeam and Reveal are joining forces. Finally, one network for all of your partners.
Learn more